Presenting... An Ever-Evolving Museum

Illustrations and text panel from a past display on mammals

Presenting... An Ever-Evolving Musuem

An Ever-Evolving Museum was a temporary exhibit at Oxford University Museum of Natural History.


Exciting changes are afoot at the Museum this summer as we embark on the first major changes to the permanent displays in our Main Court in over 20 years.

Although at first glance the Museum looks very similar to the way it did when it first opened in 1860, our archive records show how the building has evolved. Early photographs show systematic displays centred around space-saving practicalities and communicating scientific knowledge, with less of a focus on aesthetics.

Over the years, displays have been refreshed and updated to showcase the Museum's unique collection; highlighting new specimens in the collections, responding to changes in our scientific understanding, and making practical improvements, such as lighting and environmental monitoring.



Illustrations and text panel from a past display on mammals



Map showing that the presenting case is just to the left, next to the help desk, as you enter the Oxford Natural History Museum through the main door.

You can find the Presenting Case next to the Help Desk; just to the left as you enter the Museum through the main entrance.