Oxford University Museum of Natural History : All Pages
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- All that glitters
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- John Obadiah Westwood
- Delightful dung beetles
- Charles Lyell
- Flight of the dodo
- Pioneers of photography
- Dr Buckland and the bear
- The worldwide web
- A plesiosaur named Eve
- The wonderful diversity of bees
- The other Audubon
- A wartime present
- Madagascar
- Fossils from the Gault Clay
- The Oxford Dodo
- Charles Darwin's insects
- Pine cones, great and small
- The breath of life
- Our new Collections Manager: Hilary Ketchum
- The science of disguise
- William Smith
- Alfred Russel Wallace
- A space traveller's arrival
- Museum memories
- Fulgurites
- Bruno Debattista’s horseshoe crab trace fossil
- William Burchell
- Career profile: Amoret Spooner, Collections Manager
- Tax-efficient giving
- Leaving a gift in your will
- Tax efficient giving for legacy donors
- Benefits
- Palaeontology
- Collections care
- Duncan Murdock
- Mark Carnall
- Higher education
- Board of Visitors
- Life Collections
- Mineralogy and Petrology
- Schools booking form
- Summer school or foreign language booking form
- Dr Ricardo Pérez-de la Fuente
- Research staff
- Professor Paul Smith
- Sensing Evolution
- Our Impact
- Dr Sammy De Grave
- Collections staff
- Honorary Associates
- Professor Jim Kennedy
- Professor John Holmes
- Terms of Use
- Visiting with a language or summer school
- Dr Tom Kemp
- Professor Sir Charles Godfray CBE FRS
- Philip Powell
- Public Engagement team
- Scott Billings
- Rachel Parle
- Career Profile: Jordan Wernyj
- Visions of Nature
- John Barnie
- Steven Matthews
- Kelley Swain
- Dr Malgosia Nowak-Kemp
- Light Touch
- Dr Adrian Pont
- Professor Alice Roberts
- Jenny Hulmes
- Juliet Hay
- Sarah Joomun
- Amo Spooner
- Ellena Grillo
- Sarah Lloyd
- James Hogan
- Danielle Czerkaszyn
- Eliza Howlett
- Professor Jonathan Michie
- Professor Tim Coulson
- Chris Jarvis
- Dr George McGavin
- Carole Souter CBE
- Professor Ben Sheldon
- Sally-Ann Spence
- Dr Emily Scott-Dearing
- Zoë M. Simmons
- Swifts in the tower
- Research
- Digital morphology
- The Oxford Dodo
- How did the Dodo evolve?
- Janet Stott
- Skeleton parade
- Arachnids
- Dr Laura Van Broekhoven
- Insects
- Darren Mann
- Crustaceans
- Animal origins
- Arthropod evolution
- Heritage, culture and society
- Library and Archives
- Nantan meteorite
- Molluscs
- Jones' Icones
- Audio guide
- The Oxford dodo
- Gemstones
- Helen Goulston
- Partnerships
- Fossil vertebrates
- Fossil invertebrates
- Palaeobotany
- Palaeoanthropology
- Meteorites
- Mineralogy
- Petrology
- Decorative Stone
- The 'Red Lady' of Paviland Audioguide
- Nantan meteorite
- ریڈ پتنگ
- megalosaurus en
- Mary Anning's Ichthyosaur en
- Mary Anning's Ichthyosaur
- School Visits Booking Form
- Adult group booking
- Summer school and foreign language schools booking form
- Venue hire enquiry form
- Filming enquiry form
- Higher education enquiry form
- Audio guide
- Art and Architecture
- Swifts diary
- Swifts Diary 2017
- Swifts Diary 2016
- Other invertebrates
- Vertebrates
- Whale skeletons
- Professor Derek Siveter
- Operation Earth
- Trilobite wall
- What were trilobites?
- The 'Red Lady' of Paviland
- Beehive
- Sarah Phibbs
- Case studies
- Beetle Boy
- Dodo Roadshow
- Goes for a pint
- Jurassic Packs
- Natural History Investigators
- Story Makers
- Roy Overall
- Jackie Chapman-Gray
- Out of the deep
- Charles Darwin e il Famoso Dibattito
- Audioguía
- 語音指南
- Audioguide
- Audioguide
- Audioprzewodnik
- Audioguia
- دليل صوتي
- El Dodo de Oxford
- Desfile de Esqueletos
- Meteorito Nantán
- Colmena de Abejas y otros Insectos
- 动物骨架陈列
- Le Dodo d'Oxford
- La ‘Dame Rouge’ de Paviland
- Charles Darwin et le Grand Débat
- Météorite de Nantan
- Abeilles et autres insectes
- Squelettes de baleines
- Milan Royal
- Pierres précieuses
- Trilobiten-Platte
- Charles Darwin und die „Great Debate“
- Oksfordzki dodo
- Parada szkieletów
- „Czerwona dama” z Paviland
- Trylobity
- Charles Darwin i wielka debata
- Meteoryt z Nantan
- Życie w ulu
- Szkielety wielorybów
- Kania ruda
- Kamienie szlachetne
- O dodó de Oxford
- Desfile de esqueletos
- A “Dama Vermelha” de Paviland
- Parede do trilobita
- Charles Darwin e o Grande Debate
- Meteorito de Nantan
- Colmeia de abelhas e outros insetos
- Esqueletos de baleia
- Milhafre
- Pedras preciosas
- آکسفورڈ دودو
- کنکال پریڈ
- سرخ لیڈی
- دیوار تريلوبيت
- چارلس ڈارون اور بڑی بحث
- نانتان الکا
- مکھی چھتہ اور دوسرے کیڑوں
- وہیل کنکال
- red kite ar
- جواہرات
- Books
- Antiquarian and Rare books
- Journals
- Library resources
- Maps
- Photographs
- Manuscripts
- History of the Museum
- About the Library and Archives
- Library and Archive services
- Out of the deep videos
- Public Engagement with Research
- Art
- Objects
- Architecture and Decoration
- Marvellous Mantodea
- Mailing list privacy policy
- Kurt Jackson
- Microsculpture
- An Artweeks Arctic
- Opal - Australia's national gemstone
- Top 9 Blog Posts 2018
- Shout Out for Women in Science
- John Ruskin Bicentenary
- Christmas Island
- Ruskin 200 Young Artist Competition
- Anne Phillips
- Rachel Louise Carson
- Mary Anning
- Marie Curie
- Maria Sibylla Merian
- Mabel Purefoy Fitzgerald
- Jeannette Villepreux-Power
- Inge Lehmann
- Eugenie Clark
- Ethel Wallace
- Ethel Katherine Pearce
- Esther Miriam Zimmer Lederberg
- Eleanor Anne Ormerod
- Dorothy Crowfoot Hodgkin
- Dame Miriam Louisa Rothschild
- Chien-Shiung Wu
- Barbara McClintock
- Alice Ball
- Blue Tarantula statement
- Newsletter
- Podcasts
- Early Career Opportunities
- Welcome back!
- Tentacled ‘Cthulhu’ fossil reconstruction reveals monstrous relative of modern sea cucumbers
- Shop
- Professor Mark Williams
- Swifts Diary 2018
- John Tennent
- Monica Price
- Free WiFi
- Jon Cooter
- First Animals exhibition news release
- British insect collections at Oxford’s Museum of Natural History receive £700k National Lottery boost
- Who shot the Dodo?
- First animals: fossils and reconstructions
- Dr Jeyaraney Kathirithamby
- Igerna Sollas
- Birds of Paradise
- Endless Variations
- The Gut-Brain Axis - How Our Diet Affects How We Feel
- When Life Got Hard
- Adapt and Evolve
- Fossil Evidence
- Changes Over Time
- Origin of Species
- Reproduction
- Ancient Ancestors
- Selection in Action
- Dr Frankie Dunn
- First Animals - Chinese version
- Ellie King
- OUMNH receives grant from The Curry Fund of the Geologists’ Association
- Collections online
- Museum of Natural History on Human Impact on the Environment
- Argonauts: astronauts of the sea
- Mountains in Miniature
- HOPE for the Future – Heritage, Outreach and Preservation of Entomology
- Let’s Talk About Climate
- SUMs (Science in University Museums)
- Funding approved for new display cases at Oxford University Museum of Natural History
- Starry eyes on the reef: colour-changing brittle stars can see
- Life, As We Know It
- Life as we know it is set for a fresh new look
- First Animals exhibition extended until Sept 2020
- Robert Douglas
- More Than A Doodle
- Family Crafts
- Museum of Natural History homepage
- Swifts Diary 2019
- Moth Mask
- Peacock Headdress
- Hatching Platypus Craft
- Hatching Triceratops Craft
- Hatching T. rex Craft
- Design of insect-inspired fans offers wide-ranging applications
- 1st Leg – Finding and Identifying Insects
- 2nd Leg – Fabulous Insect Photos!
- Design your own insect
- 4th Leg - Pestie or Bestie
- Venue Hire FAQs
- 5th Leg - A Game of Life Cycles
- Going Beyond Six Legs of Summer
- Festive Christmas Parties
- Evening Events at the Museum
- Small Room Bookings
- Event Hire Rooms
- Museum of Natural History and Pitt Rivers Museum to reopen on 22 September 2020
- Meet: Dr Ellie Beaman
- Website Accessibility Statement
- Truth to Nature
- British Bee Diversity
- Activity: Keeping bees healthy
- Filming in the Museum
- Marvellous Moths
- Paper Moth Decoration
- Moth Hotel
- Meet: Julia Migné
- Mary Anning Fossil Hunter Extraordinaire
- Mystery at the Museum with Steve Backshall
- Paper Starfish Decoration
- HOPE Learning for Teachers
- HOPE Learning for Young People
- Home Sweet Home
- Polar Bear Den
- Joan Murrell Owens
- Margaret S. Collins
- Mystery at the Museum
- Natural Science and Heritage Scheme
- Meat The Future
- Group enquiry forms
- Visiting as a group
- Swifts Diary 2020
- Complaints and feedback policy
- Dinosaurs that hunted in the dark
- Angela Palmer – '2020: The Sphere that Changed the World'
- Oxford vaccine pioneer comes face-to-face with 'our mortal enemy' in new display of coronavirus sculpture
- Mammals in the time of dinosaurs held each other back
- First Animals
- Nicole Cunningham
- Dr Chris Stimpson
- Equity, Diversity and Inclusion
- Meat The Future
- Professor Dave Waters
- Professor Mark Robinson
- Dr Latha Menon
- Dr Nina Morgan
- Dr John W Ismay
- Katharine Scott
- Christine Buckingham
- Imran Rahman
- Dr Jack Matthews
- Professor Mike Searle
- Image reproduction
- Christmas STEM Activities 2021
- Grace Exley
- Pre-Raphaelite-designed room at Oxford’s Museum of Natural History is set for National Lottery restoration project
- Dr Leonidas-Romanos Davranoglou
- Natasha Smith
- Information for Visiting Schools
- Sarah Bell
- BIODIVERSITY: Kurt Jackson
- Dinosaurs in the post
- 811 Species of Moss in Wales
- Biodiversity Online Exhibition
- Taxonomy of a Cornish Foreshore
- Biodiversity Online Hogweed Visitors
- Biodiversity Online Daddy Long Legs
- Biodiversity Online Three thousand species of fungi
- Biodiversity Online Fungi Forage
- Biodiversity Online Morning Seashells
- Biodiversity Online A Sky Full of Flight
- Biodiversity Online Big Suffolk Field
- Biodiversity Online Hot Butterfly Reserve
- Biodiversity Online Noctuid Moths
- Biodiversity Online Grasses of Wolvercote Green
- Biodiversity Online Lambeth Beach
- Biodiversity Online Pyramid Stage
- Biodiversity Online Between the Tracks
- Career Profile: Hayleigh Jutson
- Career Profile: Ben Wilsker
- Brasier Collection
- Brasier Highlights: Ediacara
- Brasier Highlights: Stromatolites
- Brasier Highlights: Eozoon
- Ice Ages in Oxfordshire
- Perfect Pens
- Pleistocene Elephants
- Nicole Cunningham
- Archaeocyathids
- Sustainable Dining
- Presenting... Pictures in Stone
- Swifts Diary 2021
- Mary Morland
- Mary Anning Online Exhibition
- Past exhibitions
- Museum Stories
- Waste from steel production
- Waste from aluminum production
- Waste from herbicide production
- Waste from fertiliser production
- Waste from meat production
- Waste from electricity generation
- Waste from hydrocarbon production
- Autism-Friendly Openings
- Presenting... An Ever-Evolving Museum
- OUMNH Audio Description
- A changing vision of natural history
- Presenting... International Geodiversity Day
- Presenting... The Art of Conservation
- Connected Planet
- Family Friendly Sundays
- Easter Eggventure Family Trail
- Breathtaking Birds Family Trail
- Dodo Feet
- Butterfly Mask
- Jewel Beetle Mask
- Ollie the Octopus Mask
- Moth Colouring Sheet
- Bee Finger Puppets
- Ant Mask
- Eggtastic Animals
- Moth Finger Puppets
- Triceratops Mask
- Peacock Headdress
- Dodo Christmas Decoration
- Hermit Crab Hand Puppet
- Paper Moth Decoration
- A Song for the Heart
- Bacterial World
- Settlers
- Connected Planet Exhibition Online
- Connected Planet Water
- Connected Planet Land
- Connected Planet Air
- Presenting... A Story in Stone
- Undergraduate Bursary Scheme 2023
- Emma Nicholls FGS
- Alice's Day: Meet the Dodo!
- Out of the Deep
- Presenting... Alfred Russel Wallace
- Swifts Diary 2022
- Visual Story
- Presenting... Obligate Brood Parasites
- Dr Paris Stefanoudis
- Venue Hire Preferred Suppliers
- Westwood Room
- Events Team
- Presenting... Dental Detective Work
- Professor Baroness Katherine Willis CBE
- Professor Mike Kendall
- Richard Ovenden OBE
- Professor E.J. Milner-Gulland
- Professor William Whyte
- Professor Yadvinder Malhi
- Professor Anjali Goswami
- Dr Erin Saupe
- Postgraduate Study
- Oxford Mosaic Accessibility Statement
- Fair Water?
- Presenting... The Enemies of Books
- Łukasz Kowalski
- Audioguida
- Audioguía
- Audioguide Chinese
- Audioguide English
- Audioguide French
- Audioguide German
- Audioprzewodnik
- Audioguia Português
- دليل صوتي
- Life, as we know it – Phase 2
- Mighty Macaw Mask
- Undergraduate Bursary Scheme 2024
- Presenting... The Many Ways of Being a Limpet
- An Insect Adventure Workshop
- Science Saturday
- Science Saturday
- Science Saturday
- Science Saturday
- Science Saturday
- Science Saturday
- Science Saturday
- Science Saturday
- Science Saturday
- Science Saturday
- Science Saturday
- Autism-Friendly Opening
- Autism-Friendly Opening
- Autism-Friendly Opening
- A Little Look at... Dinosaurs
- Super Science Saturday: Our World From Space
- Sourcing Water: The Whos and Hows of Managing Water across the globe and in the UK
- Easter Eggstravaganza
- Easter Eggstravaganza
- Easter Eggventure Family Trail
- Easter Eggventure Family Trail
- Easter Eggventure Family Trail
- Easter Eggventure Family Trail
- Easter Eggventure Family Trail
- Easter Eggventure Family Trail
- Easter Eggventure Family Trail
- Easter Eggventure Family Trail
- Easter Eggventure Family Trail
- Easter Eggventure Family Trail
- Easter Eggventure Family Trail
- Easter Eggventure Family Trail
- Easter Eggventure Family Trail
- Easter Eggventure Family Trail
- Easter Eggventure Family Trail
- Easter Eggventure Family Trail
- Architecture Tour
- Architecture Tour
- Architecture Tour
- Architecture Tour
- Architecture Tour
- Architecture Tour
- Architecture Tour
- Architecture Tour
- Architecture Tour
- Architecture Tour
- Architecture Tour
- Architecture Tour
- Architecture Tour
- Curiosity & Colonialism
- Curiosity & Colonialism
- Curiosity & Colonialism
- Curiosity & Colonialism
- Curiosity & Colonialism
- Curiosity & Colonialism
- Curiosity & Colonialism
- Curiosity & Colonialism Tour
- Small Research Facilities
- Natural Dye Workshop
- Megalosaurus
- Presenting... 200 years of Megalosaurus
- Making 10 million poor people water secure
- Celebrate 200 Years of Dinosaur Science with the Museum's Volunteers
- April Fun and Foolery Workshop
- Water Songs
- Women at the Beginning of Palaeontology
- Oxford University Museum of Natural History: Use of cookies on this website
- Water and Climate Change: Adaptation at the Margins
- Clear Water, Clear Conscience?
- Dr Ross Anderson
- Marina Afonso
- Late Night: Water World
- Bread, Wine and Genes
- Insects and the Psychology of Disgust and Repulsion
- Megalosaurus and the Incredible History of British Dinosaur Discoveries
- Evolution Revolution Workshop
- Biodiversity Bonanza
- Conservation Optimism Presents... Good Natured
- Darwin and the Art of Botany
- What's Kafka's problem with insects?
- Presenting... Conservation of the Buckland Archive
- Science Saturday
- Science Saturday
- Science Saturday
- Science Saturday
- Science Saturday
- Science Saturday
- Science Saturday
- Science Saturday
- Curious Adventures in Nature
- Water Walk Around Oxford
- A Little Look at... Forest Friends
- Autism-Friendly Opening
- Autism-Friendly Opening
- Autism-Friendly Opening
- Autism-Friendly Opening
- A Little Look at... Life Underground
- A Little Look at... Armoured Animals
- Jurassic Packs
- Jurassic Packs
- Jurassic Packs
- Jurassic Packs
- Wildlife Watch
- Wildlife Watch
- Wildlife Watch
- Wildlife Watch
- Wildlife Watch
- Freshwater Friends
- Freshwater Friends
- Replaying the Tape
- Swifts Diary 2023
- Fair Water Online
- Pollution and Contamination
- Water Security
- Climate Prediction
- Leanne Melbourne
- Water and Wildlife Discovery Day
- Unnatural Histories Tour
- Hidden Water
- Biodiversity
- Earth
- Evolution
- Ecosystems
- Nature-Based Solutions
- Professor Martin Maiden
- Presenting... Insect Metamorphosis
- A Little Look at... Museum Tours
- Dr Piyush Sriwastava
- One Hand Can't Clap
- Ticketing Terms and Conditions
- Peggy Seeger in conversation with Prof Tim Coulson
- Replicating the magnificent Megalosaurus
- Stories in Stone
- Cull of the Wild
- Time to Draw
- Science Saturday
- Science Saturday
- Science Saturday
- Science Saturday
- Science Saturday
- Science Saturday
- Science Saturday
- Science Saturday
- A Little Look at... Pattern
- A Little Look at... animals on the move
- A Little Look at... night-time animals
- Megalosaurus Unearthed
- Autism-Friendly Opening
- How To Be A Whale
- A Little Look at... winter animals
- Unnatural Histories Tour
- Unnatural Histories Tour
- Unnatural Histories Tour
- Unnatural Histories Tour
- Unnatural Histories Tour
- Unnatural Histories Tour
- Autism-Friendly Opening
- How to Grow a Shell
- 300 Billion Times the Size
- The Badgers That Have Been Studied for Over 50 Years
- Feather or Fur? Spine or Claw?
- The Tragedy of the Tasmanian Tiger
- Earth's Mass Extinctions
- Animal, Vegetable or Mineral?
- Acting Swifty
- Life, As We Know redisplay donations
- Doug Scott Memorial Lecture: An evening with Brian Hall in aid of CAN
- Life, as we know it – Phase 3
- The Deadly Six
- The Deadly Six
- Vote for the GOAT
- The Future of Palaeontology
- Breaking Ground
- Stories in Stone
- Stories in Stone
- British Big Cats? Testing the Theory
- Night Creatures with HOWL and Robert MacFarlane
- The Mammals of Borneo
- Presenting... Victorian Spiritualism
- Dodo's Dazzling Christmas Trail
- Lecture: 'Gilbert White's Mammals'
- Lecture: 'More Than A Thousand Words'
- Mammal Tracking Day School
- Mega Late!
- Breaking Ground Online
- Fully-funded, four-year PhD opportunity
- Design and Decoration
- A Little Look At... Forest Friends
- A Little Look At... Colour
- A Little Look At... Baby Animals
- A Little Look At... What Animals Eat
- Dino Discoveries
- Eggstraordinary Easter Eggventure Family Trail
- All Events
- Breaking Ground
- Eggceptional Animals
- Super Science Saturday
- William, Mary and fossils from the Himalaya
- Project: Cataloguing Eocene fossils from Barton on Sea
- Project: Curating a Collection of Fantastic Flies at Oxford
- Project: Do Type Localities Hold a Biogeographical Signal in Marine Snapping Shrimps (Alpheidae)?
- Project: Engaging Families and Young People with Science and Nature
- Project: Reconstructing a 500-Million-Year-Old Fossil Reef
- Project: Scope n’ Slide III: All The Small Things; Curating Biological Microscope Slide Collections
- The Jurassic Highway
- Britain’s ‘dinosaur highway’
- Digital Fossils: Using X-ray to Uncover Secrets of the Past
- Science Saturday
- Science Saturday
- Science Saturday
- Science Saturday
- Science Saturday
- Science Saturday
- Science Saturday
- Dino Discoveries
- Architecture Tour
- Emily Swaby
- Architecture Tour
- Breaking Ground Object Handling
- Palaeontology’s Contribution To Understanding Our Climate Crisis
- The Stegosaurian Dinosaurs
- Kitchen Lithography Half Day Workshop 2
- City of Oxford Choir - Unearthed
- Ticketed Events
- Kitchen Lithography Half Day Workshop 1
- Dinosaurs! The true beginning of a global phenomenon
- Mink Eradication At A Landscape-Scale
- 200 Years of Iguanodon
- ‘Breaking Ground’ and Beyond: A Century of Women and Geology at OUMNH 1813-1914
- Breaking Ground Object Handling
- Breaking Ground Object Handling
- Breaking Ground Object Handling
- Events for Adults and Young People
- Events for Families and Children
- Out of the Deep
- Getting Around
- Shop and Cafe
- Exhibits and Displays
- Toilets
- Sensory Environment
- Events
- Resources
- Out of the Deep
- Dr Julia Schwab
- Dr Corentin Jouault
- Breaking Ground ‘Pub’ Quiz
- Reading the Tree of Life
- How to categorise coral
- Arthropods and their huge diversity of size
- The colourful world of insects
- Shell variation in molluscs
- The incredible diversity of 'skin'
- Classifying the abundance of life
- Networks of animal interactions
- Earth’s five mass extinctions
- The tragedy of the Tasmanian Tiger
- Conserving Oxford's swifts
- Biodiversity research at Wytham Woods
- Biodiversity
- What is Biodiversity?
- Why is Biodiversity important?
- Cataloguing Eocene Fossils from Barton on Sea
- Unravelling the Buckland Archive
- Oxford Summer Internship Scheme
- Collections Assistant (Earth Collections)
- (Un)Natural History Museum Tour
- (Un)Natural History Museum Tour
- (Un)Natural History Museum Tour
- (Un)Natural History Museum Tour
- (Un)Natural History Museum Tour
- (Un)Natural History Museum Tour
- (Un)Natural History Museum Tour
- Gravestone Geology
- Autism Friendly Opening