Name * Name of production company (if relevant) * Phone number * Email * Permit type * Still photography Filming Live broadcast Have you already discussed this request with a member of Museum staff? If so, who? * Proposed filming date(s) * Duration of shoot / proposed timetable (if known) * Preferred filming location(s) within the Museum Please tell us a little bit about your filming project including working title of the programme and anticipated date of broadcast? * Expected number of crew and filming participants * What items would you like the museum to provide e.g. gallery space, experts, museum specimens? * A list of all the equipment you will be bringing as part of your filming activity Do you have insurance in place? * Yes No Please note any special access requirements or any other additional support needed Where did you hear about us? * Word of mouth Referral / recommendation Repeat filming location Conference Oxford website Online search Location agent/ agency University of Oxford College or Department Other Where did you hear about us? Leave this field blank Submit