Mary Anning Fossil Hunter Extraordinaire

Mary Anning was determined in her pursuit of science despite a lack of formal recognition and support.

She was also tough and relentless, undertaking the gruelling and often dangerous task of fossil excavation. In this song, we imagine Mary Anning as a Rockstar! She truly was a fossil hunter extraordinaire...


Illustrations featured in the video are by Lucía Pérez-Díaz. You can find her on Twitter here: @DrPerezDiaz and @theflattype


Roberta of Geologise Theatre

Roberta of Geologise Theatre

Matthew of Geologise Theatre

Matthew of Geologise Theatre © Aiden Chan


Roberta Wilkinson and Matthew Kemp are PhD students in the Department of Earth Sciences at the University of Oxford. They write and perform songs and musicals as Geologise Theatre.

Their song “Mary Anning: Fossil Hunter Extraordinaire” is the first of Geologise Theatre’s song series “She Rocks” about women geoscientists from history.

Read our interview with the plucky pair!

Youtube: Geologise Theatre

Twitter: @wearegeologise