OUMNH receives grant from The Curry Fund of the Geologists’ Association

We are delighted to announce that it has been offered a grant of up to £3000 from The Curry Fund of the Geologists’ Association towards the Upper Thames Pleistocene Project.

The fund will enable the museum to purchase new conservation-grade boxes and packing materials to house a large and scientifically important collection of around 6750 fossils excavated from five Pleistocene sites across the Upper Thames Valley since 1989. In addition to mammoths, woolly rhino, bison, lions, hyenas, bears and wolves, the preservation of seeds, wood, insects and molluscs provides unprecedented detail of the local palaeo-environment during mid-late Pleistocene environmental change, c.200,000 to 34,000 years ago.

The 2 year project will involve cleaning and re-boxing the entire collection, cataloguing and photographing the collection to make it available digitally and online, 3D scans of key specimens and a new accessible museum webpage all about the Oxfordshire Ice Age.

lion jaw
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