Roy has been monitoring and ringing the breeding colony of swifts in the Museum from 1963 to 2010, and has used at least 4,700 rings!
Roy helped Dr Derek Bromhall with the filming and data for his film and book Devil Birds, the Life of the Swift, published in March 1980.
In collaboration with Dr Andrew Lack, Roy co-produced the book Museum Swifts in 2002.
At the instigation of the Ashmolean Natural History Society and the Berkshire, Buckinghamshire and Oxfordshire Wildlife Trust, Roy produced an aticle: 'Guardian of the Swifts in the Tower of the Oxford University Museum of Natural History' Fritillary, Number 6, Feb 2015, pp 77–93.
In 2012, Roy was nominated by the Museum and awarded the Unsung Museum Hero award for his work on swifts.
Roy provided information for the additional chapter in the revised edition of Swifts in the Tower by Dr David Lack.