Professor Martin Maiden

Martin Maiden is a molecular microbiologist.  He attended the University of Reading (BSc, Microbiology with subsidiary Chemistry) as an undergraduate and the University of Cambridge as a Postgraduate (PhD, Biochemistry) and an MRC Training Fellow. He worked for nine years in the NHS (National Institute for Biological Standards and Control), including a one-year sabbatical in Germany (Max Planck Institut für Molekulare Genetic). He joined the University of Oxford in 1997 as a Wellcome Trust Senior Fellow. He has been a faculty member (Departments of Zoology and Biology), College Fellow (Hertford College), and Professor since 2004 and was Senior Proctor 2019-2020.  He was elected as Head of the Department of Biology in 2024.  For forty years he has applied molecular approaches to studying bacteria, with an emphasis on translation to infectious disease control, especially vaccination, with a strong emphasis on open access data. He is a committed educator and academic administrator.